New to Tarty Bikes, the number one, official training aid for racing BMX gate starts, the Sprintblock!
Train your gate starts away from the track, almost anywhere!
Adjustable to suit the majority of rider equipment preferences, and physiology.
Used by some of the world's best BMX race athletes to improve their gate starts, and race results!
- Designed and created by Sean Dwight, with input from some of the world's best BMX racing athletes, including Connor Fields, Trent Jones, and Sam and Alise Willoughby, the Sprintblock is designed to help you refine, and improve your gate start technique almost anywhere!
- A unique rearward sliding pedal platform mimics the 'preloading' motion of BMX race gate starts, allowing you to practice this vital technique away from the distractions of the track.
- Adjustable platform height using the provided stacking blocks allows you to adjust the Sprintblock to your preferred pedal height, and experiment with different body positions for the optimum start stance for you.
- Encourages the development of balance skills directly transferable to a real gate start.
- Using BMX racing start Apps or a traditional stop watch, Sprintblock helps to develop improved reaction times, and allow riders to focus on bringing all the elements of their technique together for the best possible start.
- Sprintblock aids in the training of the muscles and tendons used for explosive starts, helping to increase acceleration speed for those vital first few seconds!
For more information on Sprintblock, head to the
Sprintblock website where you'll find detailed information on
the development of the product.
Customer testimonials from Sprintblock users on how it has imrpoved their starts, and race results!
Sprintblock have also developed a
Training Guide as a starting point for your training plan with your new Sprintblock!
Training with the Sprintblock, with product creator Sean Dwight, and Pro BMX athletes Connor Fields, and Trent Jones