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The end of an era!

After over 10 years at TartyBikes, Stan Shaw is starting a new chapter in his life and re-training to become an electrician! Stan has been an integral part of the company for a long time, being involved in everything from running our events through to handling almost all aspects of our ordering process, and has had a huge part in making TartyBikes what it is today. While he's leaving some big shoes to fill (even though he doesn't have any feet - that's one for you, Stan...), we're looking to carry on with all the ideas that Stan has put into motion with our new employee who we're sure you'll all meet soon!

While we're sad that Stan will no longer be around and will definitely miss him in the office, we wish him all the best for his future career and hope to catch him on some rides soon.

We decided to look back at some of our favourite videos of Stan - there's plenty of good riding going right the way back to 2004! Stan has had a super controlled style that is all his own, and was responsible for a lot of trends in the trials scene as a result of his eye for detail on setup. His custom part modifications along with his bikes typically featuring some cool prototype goodies certainly turned some heads. Read on for more on that...


Stan Shaw - June 2004
Even way back in the day Stan was still putting out great videos! It was great to discover this gem recently, and get it reuploaded on our Vimeo channel.

TartyBikes Summer Air
Summer Air (and Winter Air!) were some of our first team/group videos, and were a lot of fun to film and put together. Long days riding some of our favourite spots with a good group of friends - good times...

Mark and Stan - Summer 2010
Although known best for his trials riding exploits, Stan's controlled, smooth style translated well to street trials, especially brakeless riding! Mark and Stan spent most of summer 2010 riding long into the evening after work getting clips together for this video which features some stylish and creative riding throughout.

Stan - Birchwood
A new setup always meant a new video from Stan, and this Echo Pure 2011 build was no exception. Stan took it for a spin at our one-time dependable wet weather spot, Birchwood.

Cap and Stan - New Setup
We suspect Stan won't miss Cap's shenanigans from the first clip... Filmed when we first got the riding setup established in our current warehouse, there are some trademark super fiddly Stan setups in this, along with a great horse impression by Cap. Stick around until the end...

Stan Shaw - Summer Edit
The frame that sparked a thousand Trials-Forum comments... Stan's custom carbon top tube Echo frame was another example of Stan trying out some new things on his bikes. Although the frame was futuristic, the riding was vintage with some great examples of how that front disc setup made for some silky smooth lines.

Stan Shaw - January 2013
As we said, new bike = new video! Take a moment to appreciate just how nice that Koxx Kloud was (complete with aforementioned prototype parts, such as that pre-production Racing Line lever), then get ready for some super awkward yet buttery smooth riding on our warehouse setup.

"Video Friends"
Although Stan didn't make it for most of our "Video Friends" team trip, he made the solo trip down to meet up with the guys on one of the days. It's always good to see a group of riders like this bouncing ideas off each other!

Tarty Days 2015
Tarty Days events have always been a labour of love - long days (and nights) went into planning these events and making sure things all ran to plan, and Stan was at the heart of that. Despite working long hours at the TartyBikes stand and helping keep all the plates spinning at the event, when he got a free moment Stan would nip out for a quick spin on his bike and inevitably pull some of the smoothest, techiest lines of the weekend!

Flipp & Stan - Buthiers Roadtrip
The back story for this video ensured it got a place in this list! Stan has long been a huge fan of riding Buthiers, so he and Flipp decided to do a roadtrip over there. After realising that they didn't have much upcoming free time, they decided on that Wednesday to go on the upcoming weekend. Decide to do a trip on Wednesday. Book your ferry tickets and get to the port on Thursday. Arrive in France on Friday. Ride all day Saturday and most of Sunday. Head home on Sunday evening. Traffic hold-ups limited riding time so there wasn't much going on filming wise, but this video is a cool reminder of the fun of spontaenous trips!

Stan - The Roots
One of Stan's last videos, this was one of our favourites - a great song choice that complimented the smooth, flowing riding in the video. A classic!

Blackpool Evening Ride
We're lucky to have some great riders in our neck of the woods, but with busy schedules it's not often that we get to pull off a group ride. The stars aligned a few years ago to mean that a group of TartyBikes riders past and present managed to meet up at one of the best spots in the Northwest for a chilled evening session. As always, a lot of fun!

Once again, a huge thanks to Stan for everything over his time working with us. We've got a lot of great memories to look back on, and will hopefully meet up again in future to make more. Don't be a stranger!

  • © TartyBikes Ltd, 2024
  • Tel. (UK). 01772 32 33 33
  • Tel. (Intl). 0044 1772 32 33 33

TartyBikes Ltd, Units 3-4, Club Street, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6FN

  • Company No. 6131482
  • VAT. GB 860 0270 59

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