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Big News!

An open and honest letter from Adam: To all previous staff, current and historical customers, fellow riders, parents of riders, suppliers, social media followers, and anyone else who happens to have found this message through an interest in trials bikes or a connection with TartyBikes.

"I'll get straight to the point: As of today, Thursday 31st March 2022, TartyBikes has new legal owners.

The above revelation may come as a surprise to many, and it is certainly something I would have never expected to write at one stage, but launching this new phase in the TartyBikes story has come at the perfect time for many reasons. Let me explain...

Since the inception of the business in 2004, plus carrying out wheelbuilding and Chris King hub servicing from my bedroom for a few years before that, life has been extremely full-on. Who knew that, combined with a personal tendency to 'sweat the small stuff', running an international business that literally never sleeps could be all-encompassing and hugely draining?

When I think back to those humble beginnings almost 20 years ago, then consider where TartyBikes is now and what it represents, it brings a slight sense of bewilderment. “How on earth did that happen?” is the phrase that usually springs to my mind.

I often use the term 'runaway train' to describe the TartyBikes journey – it has mostly been about supplying a demand that just kept on coming. I know this is supposedly the 'wrong' way to run a business, and that I'm sure the textbooks encourage “targets” and “plans” to be set out, but keeping things organic has always felt a much more sustainable way to me. I think it's absolutely vital to have a great relationship with your customers, and pushing to make sales is a recipe for disaster in that regard.

Luckily, in some ways at least, the runaway train has slowed down since the pandemic, allowing a little breathing and thinking space for the first time in what seems like forever. The implementation of a plan which had been on the cards for a little while began.

By my own admission, TartyBikes had become a touch stale. I hope you can understand that anything which requires almost all of your energy, ideas and motivation, while providing untold levels of stress and anxiety in return, is draining. I am sorry that, in recent years, I haven't been able to give my all to this great sport and the people within it. I can put my hand on my heart and say that I honestly believe nobody has 'suffered' because of this, but driving forward in the way I crave hasn't been possible. I have been running on empty for some time. New ideas and fresh motivation are always needed if you want to continue to be the best.

With the 'changing of the guard' after Cap and Stan moved on to other careers, it felt like an opportunity to adjust how the business ran internally and implement the best bit of business advice I've ever heard – make yourself completely disposable. It sounds a bit odd, but the reason I wanted to share this with you now is because it has made a huge difference to all parties involved. As the owner you don't end up 'sweating the small stuff' as much, employees are given more autonomy and feel empowered, and customers see improved service as any barrier to 'the decision maker' is removed.

On this note, I feel I owe an apology to Jon, Kenny, Gav, Ali, Flipp, Adam, Martyn, Mark, Cap and Stan – at times, you guys were subject to some pretty poor managerial skills on my part. I never started out with the intention of managing people, I was always just (and I still am) a slightly grubby lad who liked tinkering with bikes, so I am sorry if my behaviours affected you in any way. All of us are combining 'practice' and 'for real' in this odd experience we call life, so I hope you can forgive my failures.


The appointments of Ben and Charlie in the second half of 2020, both of whom had many years of previous experience in the cycle trade, was a tipping point. They had never ridden trials before, but to see the way they jumped in head first (often quite literally in Charlie's case) to the business and community was amazing. Their willingness to learn – both about trials and how TartyBikes runs – has allowed the application of that 'best business advice'.

I popped the question to them towards the end of last year. Yes, that is a slightly strange phrase, but used deliberately as handing over your life's work to someone else does feel like quite a significant step! I hope this in itself is an indicator of how much I trust Ben and Charlie in not just what they do, but the way they do it, and how they will continue so.

The fact that the answer wasn't “Err, no” filled me with confidence – the appetite was there, but of course taking over an established and successful business comes with a financial consideration. We have been able to find a great balance with this which keeps me tied in for a few years, providing full support to Ben and Charlie during the transition. I am sure they will be the first to acknowledge that they don't know all there is to know about trials bikes or running a business (and I'll be second!), and that such a huge bank of information takes a while to compile - but that is why I am sticking around. So, I'll be on hand in a physical capacity for the foreseeable future, and even after that I am sure I will never 'leave' entirely.

It already feels like the driving force behind TartyBikes is back, and I am sure that this fresh motivation will be felt by the whole trials community. Ben and Charlie have - and are already beginning to implement - some brilliant plans to bolster the grass roots future of trials, and I trust you will encourage and support their endeavours. They have the best interests of the trials community at heart, just like I did and still do.

Having the weight of business ownership lifted off my shoulders has already had a significant effect. I can feel motivation and ideas creeping back in, and I am looking forward to working with Ben & Charlie to push trials and TartyBikes forward in the coming years.

Finally, I would like to say an absolutely humongous thank you to every single person who has supported TartyBikes in any way, however small, throughout this journey so far. Of course a business has to make profit to survive, and although money does put food on the table, a roof over the heads of those who work within the company, and allows them to have hobbies; the trust placed in us by our customers has always been the most rewarding thing. To know that there are riders all over the world who have certitude in TartyBikes is nothing short of astounding. Thank you, everyone.

See you around!




Statement from Ben & Charlie:

"We are hugely excited to be taking the reins of Tarty Bikes as one of the world's leading Trials shops. There is a bit of sadness however in Adam stepping back from the company he founded with Dave in 2004.

Adam and TartyBikes contribution to the sport and community of Trials cannot be understated. As one of the first online stores to bring together all the well known Trials brands under one roof, TartyBikes has been a lifeline for riders across the world for years.  As well as making buying Trials parts easier than ever before, Adam and TartyBikes have played an active role in supporting the sport and community since the company was created.

From nurturing upcoming talent through sponsorships who went on to become the biggest names in Trials (Danny MacAskill, Ali Clarkson, Adam Morewood, Charlie Rolls and Jack Carthy, to name a few), to supporting the British Trials Federation in the UK ensuring accessible competition for all levels, and running community events like the infamous Tarty Days and numerous competitions in the UK.

Adam and TartyBikes have also contributed to the development and design of some of the biggest selling Trials bikes and parts ever, ensuring we are all riding the best possible equipment for our sport. 

Trials would not be the same without TartyBikes which is something we are acutely aware of. It’s our goal to continue Adam's legacy in exactly the way he envisioned by continuing to support the community and competition scene by being more than just an online store and being actively involved in all areas of the sport.  Through our riding group TNT and the backing of the business we hope to bring Trials to new generations through competition and accessibility programmes, whilst keeping the original Trials generation at the heart of everything we do.

Adam has been instrumental in teaching us the fundamentals of the business and the sport of Trials as a whole, and with his support we will ensure Tarty Bikes will continue to be the best place to buy all of your Trials parts and bikes with friendly advice and support a phone call or email away. We cannot thank Adam enough for this amazing opportunity, and for all his help and advice as we go forward into the future with Tarty Bikes."

  • © TartyBikes Ltd, 2024
  • Tel. (UK). 01772 32 33 33
  • Tel. (Intl). 0044 1772 32 33 33

TartyBikes Ltd, Units 3-4, Club Street, Bamber Bridge, Preston, PR5 6FN

  • Company No. 6131482
  • VAT. GB 860 0270 59

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